Thursday, September 17, 2009

Weighing in...

Isn't it supposed to be the machine that goes "ping'?

So a bit more info... I get medication, much like last time, to help with the vomiting. It has been increasing and its intense enough that I sometimes feel like I have pulled muscles when I am done. So now I have some stuff that will help when I really need it.

I am also monitoring my blood pressure and blood sugar levels. Instead of doing the 1 hour glucose test and then the 3 hour if I don't pass the first, I am just going the 3 hour one. That will tell us if we need to follow the same plan as last time.

Nice thing about this Dr office is we don't have to travel to visit the ultrasound machine. They have one in the office.

I have lost a couple of pounds in the last week but nothing serious. I am going to try to do with this one what I did with Cora and gain the minimum amount of weight.

First round of pictures!

Today was the first appointment with the doctor. After the initial exam, there was some question as to the cycle length, and date of conception, etc... so they wheeled in the little machine that goes "bing" (anyone?) and did length comparisons, spit out some pictures for the doc and then spit out pictures for us.

The due date is now April 13th, 2010.

He (the doctor) had to be a little patient with the little one - it's a swimmer. :)

Next doctors visit is October 19th. I'm sure they'll be posts between now and then.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Cute story...

I've mentioned that the "morning sickness" has been bad, right? Well - Darby's done reasonably well of holding it together - just getting the nausea, not actually puking. There have been days where that's not true, but for the most part it is.

This is a story from one of the days when it wasn't true... Cora, helpful little sprite that she is has issues on the days Darby pukes. Which is understandable... it can't be easy to watch. This is a small snippet of chat from one of those days:

Darby: I just threw up so hard I feel like I damaged by throat!
did Cora let you get through the puke session? :)
Darby: She handed me a tissue.... it was kinda cute.