Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Halfway there...

20 weeks down, 20 weeks to go...

Thursday, November 19, 2009

I now *officially* live, in an estrogen ocean.

Right. So, we had our "official" ultrasound yesterday.

 It's officially a girl. Yup, I'm having another daughter.

Now, we're still working on names. More on that later. So, I've edited the "Baby guesses" bit over there to the left... looks like a *lot* of you need to re-guess. Eric wanted to know what the buy-in was with 1/2 going to winner and 1/2 going towards baby things. Does that count as gambling? :)

Monday, November 16, 2009

Week 20 update

Had the checkup with the doctor today. Baby's heartbeat is around 150 bpm. Darby's still not gaining a lot of weight, which makes her happy.

Darby's felt some kicking and movement, but it's all still very internal.

We've got an appt for the ultrasound on Wednesday afternoon.

Next appt is December 14th.

Updates and thoughts as they hit us...

Thursday, November 12, 2009

A little multi-media fun...



Just Listen...

That's it for this update, Darby's got an appointment on Monday (that I ain't going to miss)...  more updates after that.