Thursday, November 19, 2009

I now *officially* live, in an estrogen ocean.

Right. So, we had our "official" ultrasound yesterday.

 It's officially a girl. Yup, I'm having another daughter.

Now, we're still working on names. More on that later. So, I've edited the "Baby guesses" bit over there to the left... looks like a *lot* of you need to re-guess. Eric wanted to know what the buy-in was with 1/2 going to winner and 1/2 going towards baby things. Does that count as gambling? :)


  1. How many sisters do you have? It's in your blood my friend, good thing you had all those years of practice. :)

  2. Don't forget him being the baby boy, too! So far, so good... I get bragging rights to this one!! Michaela says to leave her date, but she's adding 8lbs, 3oz to her guess. And, she's bummed she was wrong... this is her first wrong guess (out of like 8 babies)!!

  3. Look at the bright side: you can use all the money you save on baby boy clothes to buy yourself a shotgun.

  4. I was shopping for a multipurpose one today at lunch... :)

  5. Congrats, Trent! Now you get to deal with three women being on that time of the month at the same time. Good times!

  6. It's like a flashback of my tween years. :)
