Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Because if I don't....

A certain sister-in-law will strangle me :)

Had a good Dr appt today. Even with a wait in the office and a no-nap child. I have gained a half a pound again which puts total gain at 7lbs. I gained 10 with Cora but mostly in the last trimester. I am hoping to keep it low this time. BP 120/80 like last time.

The Dr. is really happy with my glucose test results. He didn't expect it to go as well as it did. With my blood sugars and BP I keep surprising him. He is a wonderful guy but sometimes I get the feeling he is waiting for me to gain 20lbs or explode or something :) We will be doing a non stress test down the line as we get closer. Those are old hat since I think I had 20 some odd test with Cora. (could be an exaggerated number, slightly, but it seemed like we were in there all the time)

So far the baby is already head down. The Dr could feel where she was at. She is sitting hard to the right and I had a braxton hicks contraction that allowed me to feel where she was more than I usually can. Its interesting to be able to put my hand on her back. Couldn't do that with Cora since she sat somewhere near my spine and I could never really tell where she was til near the end.

New baby is really active and I get to start kick counts again. Tonights were done in about 15 min. I get punched in the bladder a lot and kicked in the stomach...and there is three months to go! :)

I am having some rough lower spine pain. Its kind of in the hips but centered in my lower back. Its making standing up and walking a bit rough in the last few days. Other than that I am still vomiting but most of the time its just nausea in the AM and PM and just about any other time it feels like it in between. I figure that is ok to deal with since everything else seems to be going so well.

Next appt is in three weeks and then we move to every other week.

I think we may have settled on a name, as it has been the one we have both been agreeing on for a while now.... Liliana Abigale and using Lili for short. Trent came up with that one. I had suggested Lilija (a Scandinavian version) and he thought I had said Lilianna and when he came up with Abigale a while later it just seemed to work.



  1. I only have one question: why those spellings for the names? Not that I have any problems with them (I really like them, actually), but my head was thinking "Lilianna" or "Lillianna" and "Abigail" (which is traditional, I know)... Just curious! Glad everything, except your nausea, is good. Love you.

  2. my wife will be so flattered!
    Happy everything is going well this time round.

  3. My happiest, warmest, squinty-eyedest congratulations for you two. Hang in there D, you were a champ the first time I'm sure you can do it again.
