Wednesday, March 31, 2010

No news is... well, news at least.

The only real data I have for you is the belly measurement, blood pressure, and heart beat of baby.  40, 160/80, and averaging 170's.

What, you want more?  I'm not sure I have anything else to report.  No changes to the dilation from last week.  Lili is still trying to test her limits (much to the chagrin of Darby) - but it looks (and I'm told "feels") like she's definitely settled head down. 

We're probably going to invest some time in setting up a phone tree for details (so I'm not having to call everyone...)  So, some of you may get a phone call from someone you don't quite recognize with the details.  Cool?  If you want to be notified via a phone call, shoot me an email so I know to put you on the list.  If I don't have your number, or have 2 numbers for you - I'll say something.  Probably should do this pretty quick like...


  1. The belly measurement last week was 38 and this week is 40...I am going for growth spurt. BP was up but I know that is due to Cora and the morning I have had with her...ok the last couple of days. I am getting really tired a lot and she isn't napping and I am having lots of trouble sleeping at night so burning the candle at both ends...zzzz

  2. Soooo, looking like my due date guess is wrong (bummer), but I am still in the running for weight! Oh, and a phone call from anyone regarding her arrival is fine; preferably on my cell.

  3. Of course I want a phone call!! Home or cell is fine...

  4. Seriously? What part of "email me" are you guys not seeing?!?! :)
