Friday, April 30, 2010

A twist

So fantastic birth experience and beautiful healthy baby equals momma on blood pressure meds...go figure. For the last week my pressure has been in the 170s over 100s-114 (at the highest). With that I am on medication for a week to see if we can get it lower. I am hoping that means the head ache I have been having for the last week will ease. After the first dose I am at 165/97. Haven't made it below 100 in days on the bottom.

Cora has been wound tighter than a spring for a while now and today was rough on me. I haven't been able to figure out if the rollar coaster is the hormone dump or a sign of something more serious. I figure I need to give it some time and see. Had a hard time not being in tears for most of today...

First dinner out with Grammy and Auntsy. We got to Jacobi's only to have Lili give us her first vomit demo...are we prepared? Nope! But she slept through dinner and Cora did really well the whole time, even with out a nap today.

Now Lili is giving me lots of cute asleep smiles and I don't have a camera handy,,, girl has timing!


  1. Is the high pressure maybe due to Cora being out of whack? I've noticed when Michaela is not feeling/acting herself, my anxiety level goes up... Just a thought. I think once all the "visitors" leave, and you can get back to a relatively "normal" schedule, she'll be better, and you'll be better. :)

  2. Who ever that guy is needs to go away....
