Thursday, June 24, 2010

Speaking of giant noggins...

We did Lili's two month appointment yesterday. 
Basic measurements:
  • 14lb 6oz (99th percentile), 
  • 23.25" (87th percentile),
  • and a head size of 16" (99th percentile).  

When she's down for "tummy time" she can *aaaaaalmost* get herself rolled over.  She's still a very good sleeper - I'm told that, on average, there's a good 4 hours at night when she doesn't wake up to feed.  She's tracking well visually, and smiles a lot (especially at her big sister).  But for the most part, she's still a very mellow baby.  To which we say "thank you".  :)

That is all for now.

Back to your regularly scheduled internet surfing.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Request for picture

Well, we're at almost 7 weeks - here's a picture from last week.  Lili's almost getting to the point of rolling over.  She's trying hard.  She sleeps well (I think it has something to do with her older sister's energy level).