Thursday, June 24, 2010

Speaking of giant noggins...

We did Lili's two month appointment yesterday. 
Basic measurements:
  • 14lb 6oz (99th percentile), 
  • 23.25" (87th percentile),
  • and a head size of 16" (99th percentile).  

When she's down for "tummy time" she can *aaaaaalmost* get herself rolled over.  She's still a very good sleeper - I'm told that, on average, there's a good 4 hours at night when she doesn't wake up to feed.  She's tracking well visually, and smiles a lot (especially at her big sister).  But for the most part, she's still a very mellow baby.  To which we say "thank you".  :)

That is all for now.

Back to your regularly scheduled internet surfing.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Request for picture

Well, we're at almost 7 weeks - here's a picture from last week.  Lili's almost getting to the point of rolling over.  She's trying hard.  She sleeps well (I think it has something to do with her older sister's energy level).

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Lilis weight Monday was 11lb 10oz....Guess she is trying to grow or something!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

2 week update

First up:  Darby - weight is down (way down - like to below pregnancy levels).  BP is still up (way up - on meds for it, not seeming to do anything yet).

Second: Lili - weight is up (way up - ok, I'll stop).  She's at 10lb, 3oz.  Length is up to 21", head is 15".  That puts her in the >99%, 93%, and 97% ranges, respectively.  The Dr. did say that breastfed babies will climb up quicker than bottle-fed babies, but then they'll plateau and slow down on the growth, while bottle-fed (and more so formula) will add it on later.

Got anything else to add?

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Cord away!

So Lilis cord stump fell off just a bit ago. Now on with the rest of the healing!

She is doing well and sleeps a lot still. Cora has mellowed a touch in the last couple of days. Managed to not wake until 7am this morning. That was a relief! If she kept doing the 5am thing.... Ack.

I am pooped...fell asleep on the couch yesterday and woke to Cora yelling 'mommy!" at me over and over. The medication doesn't seem to be lowering the pressure at all and I am still getting nasty headaches. Not sure what they will do if this stuff doesn't work. I am hoping it won't be much. But that stuff is making me dizzy more often than I would like and I am stinken sleepy, usually for most of the day. I am glad that Cora is getting better at playing on her own and that I have projects I can have her do when I need time for Lili. Since Lili sleeps so much I have time to interact with Cora quite a bit.

All I have for now. Lilis next appt is tomorrow. We will have her info and I want to stand on a scale. Bits of me are missing.... :)

Friday, April 30, 2010

A twist

So fantastic birth experience and beautiful healthy baby equals momma on blood pressure meds...go figure. For the last week my pressure has been in the 170s over 100s-114 (at the highest). With that I am on medication for a week to see if we can get it lower. I am hoping that means the head ache I have been having for the last week will ease. After the first dose I am at 165/97. Haven't made it below 100 in days on the bottom.

Cora has been wound tighter than a spring for a while now and today was rough on me. I haven't been able to figure out if the rollar coaster is the hormone dump or a sign of something more serious. I figure I need to give it some time and see. Had a hard time not being in tears for most of today...

First dinner out with Grammy and Auntsy. We got to Jacobi's only to have Lili give us her first vomit demo...are we prepared? Nope! But she slept through dinner and Cora did really well the whole time, even with out a nap today.

Now Lili is giving me lots of cute asleep smiles and I don't have a camera handy,,, girl has timing!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Lactation Appt with Lili

So today I went in for a meeting with the lactation consultant at the hospital. Lili weighed in at 9lb 3oz and drank 3oz of milk. She is growing and nursing well. I can't wait till things even out and I don't feel like my boobs are going to explode. She is drinking more and sleeping well. She wakes up about every 2.5 to three hours or so on her own. Now if I can get Cora to sleep past 5 or 6am I would be happy. She has been getting up early I think because Grammy, and Oma for another morning. I hope she will go back to the 7am waking as things settle down.

Cora is having a hard time on occasion, as is to be expected. She really wants to touch, hold, and carry Lili but not all of those is a go. She also seems constantly burned out and grumpy. Doesn't matter if she has a nap or not. She just is melting down at not a whole lot. She wants to be really helpful but will melt if its not going the way she wants. I am going to guess that is pretty normal.
It is exhausting though!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

First Appt

So Lili had her first Dr appt on Friday. Her bili was up to 9.2 but that was ok for a 3 day old. She has gained some weight back. She was 9lb 1oz then went to 8lb 12oz then 8lb 8oz then on Friday she was back to 8lb 12oz. She is doing very well.
First night home was good, last night was very long for me. She was up most of the night and a bit fussy. Today I made sure we were up and going so that she was around activity during the day. My hope is she will sleep better tonight...hope... Cora is having a bit of a rough time with sleeping because she can't make up her mind where she wants to sleep or next to who... its nice that we have enough room for both of the girls between us. Solved some problems already...

Friday, April 23, 2010

Home, safe and sound

Right.  So I realized that some people may not know the followup.  So, here we go.

Darby and Lili came home on Thursday.  Lili's biliruben numbers were down to 7 (under 8 is where they need to be for the first 48 hours for the doctors to be happy).  Today at the three day followup her numbers were 9.2, but as she's "older" now, that's still a good number.  Just have to have her take a few naps in the sunshine and make sure she eats well.  She's eating well, Lili gained 4 ounces in the day since her last weigh-in, so the doctors are happy.

Cora is doing well and adjusting to life as a big sister.  There's lots of "I wanna hold her" and her telling us what Lili really wants.  My mom has been here helping with the house stuff and riding herd over Cora - which has been a real help.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


For those of you following along at home.  Lili's Bilirubin number's were a little higher than they like them to be.  Not nearly as high as Cora's, but still high enough to warrant one more night in the luxury hotel that is the Hospital.  She's under the UV lights, but seems to be handling it much better than Cora did. 

There's two lights to the top sides, and one underneath the pad on the bottom.  The lead on her chest is to make sure her temp stays good - she's under a warming machine as well.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Well... it's happened.

Liliana Abigail Le Clair
Born at 10:17am on 4/20/10
She was 9lb, 1oz
19.75" long with a head circumference of 13.5"

Mommy and baby are doing splendidly.

9:15 update

Labor is going well, contractions slowed a little after the epidural
kicked in. At 9, they added a little Pitocin to the saline mix...

Looks like it's actually happening... (finally)

I was awoken this morning at about 2:30 because Darby's water had actually broken.  And she was in labor.  And it was going quickly.  Contractions were hard and about 5 minutes apart.  I got up, got dressed and woke Mom up to let her know what was happening.  We then went to the hospital, where, yes in fact, her water was broken.  Quick exam put her at 3cm dilation.  Contractions here reasonably rough (I'm told), and she decided that the miracles of modern science were the right choice for her.

Anesthesiologist showed up a little later, and after a few attempts to get the needle placed while Darby was sitting up, he had her move to her side with her knee's curled up (ha!) and finally got the needle placed and in.

Contractions are moving well while she's medicated.  As of right now (5:30 am) she's laying in bed playing "Words with Friends" on her iPhone with me and waiting for about another half an hour before the nurse will check her dilation again.

More updates to follow (maybe).  :)

Friday, April 16, 2010

Nothing to see here, move along... no fire. Just some punk kid pulling the fire alarm. Move along.

Right.  So this is *not* a picture of Darby going into labor... just thinking about it.  You know, a dress rehearsal. 

Sometime late Thursday night she started having contractions.  Nothing productive mind you - but contractions none the less.  They were about 8-10 minutes apart, and walking did alter them.  They went on through the night without really changing time between.  Friday morning she called the hospital, they said to go for a walk and check back with them later on if they get stronger.

Well, since except for the strength of the contractions this is just about what Cora did when she was ready for the world... we decided to check things out after dinner.

Wandered over to the hospital around 6pm or so.  They hooked her up the monitor, did a quick exam and did a quick test - said "yup, you're water's broke - Dr. will be here soon."  After a shift change (and another 45 minutes of walking around the hospital hallway.  The new staff came in and took samples for a lab test.

At around 8:30, the Dr. (on call doc, ours is in Haiti) came in and said that the lab tests said it wasn't amniotic fluid, to go home, take it easy...

So, we're back at home.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

After the appt

So the appt was nice and mellow. Things are softening a little but not much else is happening.My BP was Dr and no sleep since 2:30am or so...go figure...After the NST they took it again and it was still high. So I was sent to the birth center for an hour of monitoring. The nurse scared the crap out of me by coming out of the office and telling me I needed to head over to be induced. At which point the Dr said no it was for an hour to get a couple of readings. (Like that will keep the bp low...)

So I went over and checked in and sat there staring at the clouds in the sky for an hour while on the monitors. I tried to look at the TV for about 10 seconds and decided it really wasn't worth it and used my phone to listen to Pandora and Nightnoise and look at the sky. Seemed to do the trick because my BP was just fine.

I was released, managed to get lost in the hospital briefly and got home to eat dinner. So I guess that was more that what usually happens. I think she is going to hold on for a while longer.

I have an appt next week set up and they might or might not induce. I will be at 41 weeks at that point. My Dr won't be back till the 26th so I am going to guess they won't let me go that long! A bummer though. I really like that man!

Any questions?

D-Day +1

(subtitled.... "another day, another Doctor" or "where Dr Woocheck go*?").

We went in today went in and had another appointment with one of the other OB's in practice there.  Darby's BP was a little high in the NST so she got to run over to the Birth Center for an hour long, extended BP check.  I'll leave the details to her though

(*quote from Cora as we were leaving)


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

No baby yet...

Well.  It's here.  The "official due date."  From this point on, Lili will never be classified as "delivered early."  :)

Just a quick heads up and reminder.  "Aces's Lady" will probably be the one making the majority of the phone calls with the details - so if you want to be notified... lemme know (by email).

That's all for now.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Thoughts (feeling a bit whiney)

So I am torn between wanting the munchkin here and wanting her to wait until our Dr gets back. At the last appt he told us he was leaving for two weeks the next day for Haiti. I figure with the due date being Tuesday I can make it another week to have him back. He has been so awesome and while I am glad he has the chance to help over there I want him here! We agree on so many things and I am not sure how the other Dr.s are.

This cold sucks. Its in my head and lungs. When the Braxton-Hicks start they are hard enough my eyes start watering and I feel like my head is going to pop. I hope this doesn't end up being a problem later on. I am tired of not being able to breath and feeling as if snot is coming out of everywhere....Whine...yes I will take some cheese....

I need a housekeeper and a nanny for a few days so I can get better! :) Trent does a lot but still I bet we could both use a break...

I want the little red house....I want out of this one... I want I want I want....sigh

Whine over...

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

...we have wormsign the likes of which even God has never seen.

Ok, not really - but we watched Dune (the David Lynch one) last night. 

Ok, raise your hand if you got the quote before reading that previous line.  Ok.  Seriously guys, you need to watch it.  It's stream-able from NetFlix.  Go.  Watch it.  I can wait.  We haven't got a lot of movement over here.  Belly measurement was down 2cm.  Might have been from the substitute doctor we had and the different position he put Darby in the measure. 

What?  You're back from watching the movie already?  Right.  Darby's weight was up 1lb from last week.  And yes, she's miserable.  I think as much from the pregnancy as from the cold she's fighting (the same one Cora got 3 days prior).

We're hanging in there.  Darby does seem to the the popular topic of conversation at work though.


Friday, April 2, 2010

Body Cast

eek I decided I was wanting to do a body cast for this munchkin. Cora had many ultrasounds and we had many pictures of her before she got here. Lili isn't going to have the pictures so when I found this idea I thought it would be a great keepsake for her.

I did an internet search about them and figured we didn't have time to get a "kit" and get it here in time so I sent Trent out while he was in Tri-Cities to find a kit but there was none to be found. He went to four stores before Micheal's Craft Store and found the plaster wrap we needed and I got the petrolatum jelly at Bi-Mart on one of my trips.

Wednesday night we had time to sit down and do it. Most of the things I had found online said it would take 20-30 minutes. It was a bit longer than that.... and I thought I was going to fall off the chair. But the final piece looks pretty good. I am not sure how I want to decorate it or if I want to yet - and we still need to cut it down a little to make the sides even.

Here are the photos that Trent took tonight after its had the two days to sit and harden up. Its cell phone pics so until we get a better camera (its supposed to be here on the 6th) these will have to do. I hope the camera gets here before the baby!

That's all for now.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

No news is... well, news at least.

The only real data I have for you is the belly measurement, blood pressure, and heart beat of baby.  40, 160/80, and averaging 170's.

What, you want more?  I'm not sure I have anything else to report.  No changes to the dilation from last week.  Lili is still trying to test her limits (much to the chagrin of Darby) - but it looks (and I'm told "feels") like she's definitely settled head down. 

We're probably going to invest some time in setting up a phone tree for details (so I'm not having to call everyone...)  So, some of you may get a phone call from someone you don't quite recognize with the details.  Cool?  If you want to be notified via a phone call, shoot me an email so I know to put you on the list.  If I don't have your number, or have 2 numbers for you - I'll say something.  Probably should do this pretty quick like...

Thursday, March 25, 2010

When the moon is in the 7th house..

What is it about music references lately?  I dunno - been one of those months.

Anyway, this weeks appointment was easy.  A few minutes in "the chair" while Darby did her NST.  A few minutes with the Dr. and that's about it.

Top band is the contraction sensor and the bottom band is the heartbeat monitor.  Heartbeat was bouncing between 130 and 170 with no real contractions while she was in the chair. 

Belly measurement was 38cm, but the Dr. thinks that measurement is going to go down as Lili drops more.  Speaking of which, I got a strange phone call from Darby yesterday afternoon - the gist of it was "she's dropped more - you know how I know?  I was able to eat lunch!"

No dilation so far.

Until next week...

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Dancing Queen

"You can dance, you can jive, having the time of your life
See that girl, watch that scene, dig in the dancing queen"

Right.  So after three weeks of a small bag of rabid weasels running around inside Darby's belly (her analogy, not mine), Lili seems to have settled into a head down position.  The Dr. was pretty sure of it with the physical exam, and brought in the machine that goes "ping" to prove it to Darby.

Funny story - at the appointment on the 2nd, we were talking about how there's some study talking about foot pain causing babies to turn.  Friday the 5th, Darby damn near broke her toe (so much so we went to the walk-in clinic to make sure it wasn't).  Swelling and purple bruises later (and some more toe-kicking) things are looking better, both for the toe and for the position... Coincidence?  :)

Salient details.  36cm belly, baby's heartbeat in the 130's, if she went into labor today they wouldn't do anything to stop her.  They made her do a NST, and it was funny to watch the changes to Lili's heartbeat when Cora would enter and exit the room (it didn't help that little miss sunshine #1 didn't nap yesterday and was in "a mood").

We also took a tour of the birth center over at the hospital and got pre-registered, so now when she goes into labor, we can skip all the paperwork.


Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Update for March 2nd Dr. Appt

The good:
Darby's weight is down 2 pounds from last checkup, blood pressure is a good 120/60 (almost saintly considering the night we had - Cora was running a slight fever and didn't want to sleep).  Belly measurement is "about 35 to 36cm" - yeah we're only officially at 34 weeks... hmmmm.  Heartbeat of baby was in the high 130's.

The bad:
We start doing NST's next appointment.  (For those of you just joining us, NST or "Non Stress Test" is something the did for Darby when she was pregnant with Cora.  It's used to measure heartbeat and movement of baby to make sure things are going ok.  They did it for Cora because Darby was being treated for Gestational Diabetes (also a great Scrabble word...).  Darby passed the tests this go around, and the Dr. admitted he may have been a little too worried about Darby's numbers this time - her's blood sugars are good).

The ugly:
Lili has shifted again.  Dr. thinks she might be "foot breach" but he's not too worried yet.  We're only at 34 weeks.  If she's still not sitting right at the next appointment, that's when things get interesting.  There's a few options available at that point that don't include C-Section - so we'll burn that bridge when we get there.

That's all I have for an update - I'll leave any other details to the wife.  :)

Thursday, February 18, 2010

On the move....

Had a good appt yesterday. Weight is 2-3 more lbs in 2 weeks. A bit faster than I want but of no real concern. Didn't get the belly measurement this time. I got distracted with the quick ultrasound as we couldn't quite figure out what direction she was. I knew she wasn't head down anymore. A couple of nights ago there was some sort of spacial argument in my belly and she is now sideways or transverse. The ultrasound showed her head to the left (if looking down from the top) and butt to the right. That would explain the different shape I am sporting now. But with hands, legs and feet down its a bit rough on my bladder and anything else that is down there. Sometimes it feels like she is moving some where in the thigh area. There is no real concern about her position yet. Still have 7 weeks or so to go.

Had a quick blood test to see if my thyroid meds are still at the right levels. We will know in a couple of days. Other than that there is another appt in two weeks and I think that is one where we starting doing a NST here and there. (NST= non stress test) Had a crap ton of those with Cora so all it entails is laying with a blood pressure cuff and belly monitors on for 1/2 hour to see what the baby is doing.

Name clarification for those in desperate need of closure :p Liliana Abigail (now we just have to hope that fits when she comes out but I think its set) Most likely Lili for short.

Cora update:
She started a Creative Movement class (pre ballet sort of thing) yesterday. She had a total blast! She has been telling me for weeks that she wants to be a ballerina so we have made her a tutu and now this class has started. Found out about it from a friend of mine. They didn't have any classes for the 2 year old age range and the classes they did have started at 3-5 years. Now anyone who has had kids or observed them at all knows they will start dancing as soon as their walking if they are exposed to it. So it was requested that a younger class be offered and this is a trial run but after yesterday I think it is going to be a hit.

Other than all that its pretty quiet here.... Any questions?

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

10 weeks to go...

We had a Dr.s appt today. We went from one a month to three weeks (for one appt) and now we are going every other week. So more updates! In two weeks we will have another.
No more planned ultra sounds for now so we might not have the picture collection we had with Cora.

The baby is head down and doing well. My kick counts are usually done in 1-10 minutes. She is an active baby! Heart beat was at 160. Tummy measurement was 31.

I have gained two pounds in the last three weeks. I was disappointed with it but the Dr was happy with that and when I grumbled a little I was told I did need to gain some weight. This puts me at 9 lbs total gain so far. Guess I can't complain though!

I am on a generic version of pepsid. Acid reflux feels like an understatement. Every time I laid down I would have food and or acid at the top of my throat if not all the way up. It has been like that for the last week. No matter what I ate, how much or when it would creep up and I would occasionally throw up at 2am. I had been popping tums like a mad woman which lead to my earlier problem. This will help so much!

I still have "morning sickness". I am thinking I am going to be having it to the end. Oh well there are good and bad days and sometimes its just easier just to throw up. Although Cora has moved into this space where things "scare her". We aren't sure where that has come from but as I was throwing up today I kept telling her it was ok and mommy was just sick (I usually get "again??") When I came out of the bathroom I was told I had scared her. Wonder how that is all going to go.....

Everything else is going well so far.... the house is off the market now so stress has lowered. We will hope the bank will keep the mortgage at the lowered rate. If not we believe the paper work says we will be able to do a deed in lieu instead and be out from under it one way or another. If the payments stay at the adjusted rate we plan to stay in the house at least for a few years. I don't really want to move with a new baby again. So fingers crossed!

Anything else Honey?

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

A brief update

With some Smooth Move tea and 4 TBSP of Milk of Mag (two small doses) I think my troubles have taken a turn for the other direction.... Better though!

Monday, January 25, 2010

A new level of ouch....this includes TMI!!!! I need to let it out though....

So I have discovered a new level of pain with an impacted bowel. Because my stomach has been over acid for nearly a week, no matter what I eat, how much or when, the tums I was taking have quit really working on my acid tummy but instead have started working with my vomit medication to back up my system so bad its painful and scary. For the last three days its been.....(that bad but I am not going to share the finer details of what is happening with my rear) Other fun does involve food backing up to where I end up with acid in my throat as soon as I lay down (even if I don't eat a few hours before bed) and have been known to have to get up at 2am to vomit.
I called the Dr to day and am trying milk of mag. as well as some Soothe Move tea. If its not going by tomorrow I have to call the Dr again and we will go from there. I am in a new world of pain and this has been another addition that is making this pregnancy a lot harder than with Cora. I am going to guess it could be worse but this has been a tough one. Still sick, now backed up to a scary level and my rear end doesn't feel like it will ever be the same. At least the babys growth, my weight gain and the rest have been good but this other....I could do with out.

In other news...our new king bed got here today and its fantastic so far. I can't wait to sleep on it tonight. There is a lot more room and I can hardly feel when Trent tried a near belly flop. That will make getting out of bed when Cora is down easier. I am happy with it so far! A friend of ours is helping us build a king headboard bookcase (a simple one shelf thing) to attach to the bed. It will be pretty sweet having that and hand making it! And the wood is free! I plan to share some canned items and the like but its a really nice thing!

I have to paint now. Trent seems to want his BB team done for some reason. I guess he was getting mocked... he he!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Because if I don't....

A certain sister-in-law will strangle me :)

Had a good Dr appt today. Even with a wait in the office and a no-nap child. I have gained a half a pound again which puts total gain at 7lbs. I gained 10 with Cora but mostly in the last trimester. I am hoping to keep it low this time. BP 120/80 like last time.

The Dr. is really happy with my glucose test results. He didn't expect it to go as well as it did. With my blood sugars and BP I keep surprising him. He is a wonderful guy but sometimes I get the feeling he is waiting for me to gain 20lbs or explode or something :) We will be doing a non stress test down the line as we get closer. Those are old hat since I think I had 20 some odd test with Cora. (could be an exaggerated number, slightly, but it seemed like we were in there all the time)

So far the baby is already head down. The Dr could feel where she was at. She is sitting hard to the right and I had a braxton hicks contraction that allowed me to feel where she was more than I usually can. Its interesting to be able to put my hand on her back. Couldn't do that with Cora since she sat somewhere near my spine and I could never really tell where she was til near the end.

New baby is really active and I get to start kick counts again. Tonights were done in about 15 min. I get punched in the bladder a lot and kicked in the stomach...and there is three months to go! :)

I am having some rough lower spine pain. Its kind of in the hips but centered in my lower back. Its making standing up and walking a bit rough in the last few days. Other than that I am still vomiting but most of the time its just nausea in the AM and PM and just about any other time it feels like it in between. I figure that is ok to deal with since everything else seems to be going so well.

Next appt is in three weeks and then we move to every other week.

I think we may have settled on a name, as it has been the one we have both been agreeing on for a while now.... Liliana Abigale and using Lili for short. Trent came up with that one. I had suggested Lilija (a Scandinavian version) and he thought I had said Lilianna and when he came up with Abigale a while later it just seemed to work.
