Thursday, June 24, 2010

Speaking of giant noggins...

We did Lili's two month appointment yesterday. 
Basic measurements:
  • 14lb 6oz (99th percentile), 
  • 23.25" (87th percentile),
  • and a head size of 16" (99th percentile).  

When she's down for "tummy time" she can *aaaaaalmost* get herself rolled over.  She's still a very good sleeper - I'm told that, on average, there's a good 4 hours at night when she doesn't wake up to feed.  She's tracking well visually, and smiles a lot (especially at her big sister).  But for the most part, she's still a very mellow baby.  To which we say "thank you".  :)

That is all for now.

Back to your regularly scheduled internet surfing.


  1. Es goo' she dunna cry herself to sleep onner huuge pilla! /MikeMeyers

    Glad she's doing well. Any plans for the day she grows to be taller than you?

  2. So, why no updates since June?!?! And, seriously, what's with the SPAM?
