Wednesday, May 5, 2010

2 week update

First up:  Darby - weight is down (way down - like to below pregnancy levels).  BP is still up (way up - on meds for it, not seeming to do anything yet).

Second: Lili - weight is up (way up - ok, I'll stop).  She's at 10lb, 3oz.  Length is up to 21", head is 15".  That puts her in the >99%, 93%, and 97% ranges, respectively.  The Dr. did say that breastfed babies will climb up quicker than bottle-fed babies, but then they'll plateau and slow down on the growth, while bottle-fed (and more so formula) will add it on later.

Got anything else to add?


  1. Just a request for a photo periodically (although, I love the one in her carseat you sent me). Love you.

  2. I agree with the lady. More pictures please!
