Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Update for March 2nd Dr. Appt

The good:
Darby's weight is down 2 pounds from last checkup, blood pressure is a good 120/60 (almost saintly considering the night we had - Cora was running a slight fever and didn't want to sleep).  Belly measurement is "about 35 to 36cm" - yeah we're only officially at 34 weeks... hmmmm.  Heartbeat of baby was in the high 130's.

The bad:
We start doing NST's next appointment.  (For those of you just joining us, NST or "Non Stress Test" is something the did for Darby when she was pregnant with Cora.  It's used to measure heartbeat and movement of baby to make sure things are going ok.  They did it for Cora because Darby was being treated for Gestational Diabetes (also a great Scrabble word...).  Darby passed the tests this go around, and the Dr. admitted he may have been a little too worried about Darby's numbers this time - her's blood sugars are good).

The ugly:
Lili has shifted again.  Dr. thinks she might be "foot breach" but he's not too worried yet.  We're only at 34 weeks.  If she's still not sitting right at the next appointment, that's when things get interesting.  There's a few options available at that point that don't include C-Section - so we'll burn that bridge when we get there.

That's all I have for an update - I'll leave any other details to the wife.  :)


  1. I had to try a few thing, too... Those didn't work. Then, when they tried to turn Michaela into the correct position (remember, she was butt-first), I felt like my insides were being ripped out. That was, in my almost 36 years of life, the WORST pain I've ever had... and they STILL had to go in C-section. Stubborn child.

  2. I am a bit worried that that might happen. I do hope she keeps moving around. Seems she is still moving. I think she was sideways for a bit of yesterday but she was head up again today. Its really not that comfortable.

    Did they give you any pain killers for the moving bit?

  3. Nope. No pain killers. But, remember: I was 40 weeks when the docs finally figured out what I had been telling them since 34 weeks... "THAT'S NOT HER HEAD!!" Damn docs thought 'cuz I was a first time mom, I didn't know what I was talking about...

    David suggested raising the foot of your bed up, but I also tried laying upwards against the couch... might trick her into thinking she needs to turn the other way (using gravity against her). Can't hurt to try that.
