Friday, April 16, 2010

Nothing to see here, move along... no fire. Just some punk kid pulling the fire alarm. Move along.

Right.  So this is *not* a picture of Darby going into labor... just thinking about it.  You know, a dress rehearsal. 

Sometime late Thursday night she started having contractions.  Nothing productive mind you - but contractions none the less.  They were about 8-10 minutes apart, and walking did alter them.  They went on through the night without really changing time between.  Friday morning she called the hospital, they said to go for a walk and check back with them later on if they get stronger.

Well, since except for the strength of the contractions this is just about what Cora did when she was ready for the world... we decided to check things out after dinner.

Wandered over to the hospital around 6pm or so.  They hooked her up the monitor, did a quick exam and did a quick test - said "yup, you're water's broke - Dr. will be here soon."  After a shift change (and another 45 minutes of walking around the hospital hallway.  The new staff came in and took samples for a lab test.

At around 8:30, the Dr. (on call doc, ours is in Haiti) came in and said that the lab tests said it wasn't amniotic fluid, to go home, take it easy...

So, we're back at home.


  1. Ahh... so eloquent, as usual, there dear sister. :)

  2. That side view pic makes me look like a beached whale....on another note my mom told me last night that she did contractions like that for 4 days before my sister least I got sleep last night. The cold has rekindled itself though. Can't win for trying!
