Saturday, April 10, 2010

Thoughts (feeling a bit whiney)

So I am torn between wanting the munchkin here and wanting her to wait until our Dr gets back. At the last appt he told us he was leaving for two weeks the next day for Haiti. I figure with the due date being Tuesday I can make it another week to have him back. He has been so awesome and while I am glad he has the chance to help over there I want him here! We agree on so many things and I am not sure how the other Dr.s are.

This cold sucks. Its in my head and lungs. When the Braxton-Hicks start they are hard enough my eyes start watering and I feel like my head is going to pop. I hope this doesn't end up being a problem later on. I am tired of not being able to breath and feeling as if snot is coming out of everywhere....Whine...yes I will take some cheese....

I need a housekeeper and a nanny for a few days so I can get better! :) Trent does a lot but still I bet we could both use a break...

I want the little red house....I want out of this one... I want I want I want....sigh

Whine over...


  1. Hugs and loves from two of your favorite people!!

  2. All my bags are packed, I'm ready to go! If you need me earlier, just holler!

  3. I will keep that in mind Dee. Thanks! I am just burned out at this point. Haven't managed near enough sleep in the last few days between Cora and my colds and the up every hour peeing thing. Guess it just makes me whiny! :)

  4. Sounds ghastly! Just remember I'm here if/when you need me!
